Meeting Minutes

Preserve open space
Davie, Florida


February 1, 2011

7:00 Robbins Lodge

Called to Order 7:20; In attendance: Fred Segal, Linda Greck, Marcie Nolan, John Ladue, Doris Monier, Ruth Bronisas, Todd Evans, Judy Paul

Treasurer’s Report – no change

Minutes of meeting: January meeting cancelled due to lack of quorum

Annual meeting minutes – approved by John Ladue and seconded by Doris Monier

Update from last meeting:

Other topics of discussion

  • -a. Orange Blossom Parade
  • -- 1. Marcie will apply for our booth, will acquire Harvey Oyer’s books to sell; will acquire Everglades photos by Peter Nolan to sell – fund raisers
  • -- 2. Linda and M will send out sigh-up sheet to man the booth
  • -- 3. Linda will order more t-shirts,
  • -- 4. Todd will bring display boards
  • -b. Water Matters Days March 12 – sign up volunteers with Doris – John and Ruth
  • -c. Working with group for assistance – Marcie
  • -d. Review of draft strategic plan (next steps)
  • -e. Grant ideas for part-time assistance – John will look at LTA for job descriptions and salaries

Next meeting: March 1, 2011 – focus on redrafting our strategic plan

Adjourned at 9:15

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

March 1, 2011

1.Meeting called to order – 7:40 P.M. by Chairman Marcie Nolan

In Attendance : Ruth Bronisas, Doris Monier, Linda Greck, Marcie Nolan, John Ladue

2. Treasurer’s report – we made $56.97 at the Orange Blossom Festival

3. Minutes from February 1 meeting approved

4. Updates from last meeting:

  • a. Strategic Plan – we will be working on it today and possibly next meeting
  • b. Orange Blossom Festival – Reconsidering our priorities there as we do not make enough money to justify spending so much time and effort to participate at that event.
  • c. Water Matters Day – approaching this month on Saturday March 12 at Tree Tops Park. Doris is the lead person on that. We signed up to man the booth.

5. Membership Discussion – We will discuss our strategic plan at a special meeting at Marcie’s office on Saturday March 19 at 1:00 PM.

Meeting adjourned 9:40 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

April 5, 2011

1. Meeting called to order – 7:29 P.M. by Chairman Marcie Nolan

In Attendance : Doris Monier, Linda Greck, Marcie Nolan, John Ladue, Uri Tkacz, Ruth Bronisas, Todd Evans

2. Treasurer’s report – Treasurer not in attendance

3. Minutes from March 1 meeting will be submitted on May 2 meeting

4. Updates from last meeting:

  • a. Water Matters Day was successful both financially and in interest shown by fair participants. Marcie has the money and will deposit in our bank account.
  • b. Linda Greck is donating the cost of the t-shirts she purchased in lieu of a financial donation to the DALT.

Strategic Plan –Discussion and revision tonight

Our meetings will be on Mondays again starting with our next meeting May 2. They will be on Mondays until January 2012

We will take head shots of our board next meeting (May 2) for our board pictures.

Meeting adjourned 9:27 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

May 2, 2011

Meeting called to order – 7:15 P.M. by Chairman Marcie Nolan

In Attendance : Linda Greck, Marcie Nolan, John Ladue, Uri Tkacz, Ruth Bronisas, Judy Paul, Michael Bartlett

Treasurer’s report – $9292.80

Minutes from March 1, 2011 meeting approved; from April 5, 2011 meeting approved

Strategic Plan – Discussion and revision tonight resuming from p. 10 a.Flamingo Gardens has 2 folios; one is 33 acres designated for commercial recreational land use

  • b.Fred will identify active agricultural lands
  • c.Fred recommended we add the Florida Water and Soil Conservation District to our list of “like-minded organization” in achieving our goals
  • d.Marcie will look into consulting with a marketing person to help promote our goals

Our next meeting will be on Monday June 4, after that on Tuesday,Sept. 6, 2011. No meeting in July or August. (Reminder: Meetings will be on Mondays after the Sept 6th mtg. until January 2012 when they will be on Tuesdays again.)

We will send our own head shots to Michael Bartlett at mbartlett@davielandtrust.com ASAP for our board pictures.

Meeting adjourned 9:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

June 2, 2011

Meeting called to order – 7:05 PM by Chairman Marcie Nolan

In Attendance – Linda Greck, Fred Segal, Edward Tkach, Marcie Nolan, Ruth Bronisas, John Ladue, Judy Paul, Michael Bartlett

Approval of March 1 and April 5, 2011 Minutes

Treasurer’s Report – current balance - $9,498.43

Strategic Plan – continue discussion from p 10.

Marcie and Linda will be the “marketing people” at this point in timeuntil we can hire a marketing person to help promote us.

Marcie and Linda will talk to the pastor of St. Joseph parish about the historic property at the back of the property.

All members on the board will read the remainder of the Strategic Plan for “homework.”

Other Issues -Windmill Project – what is our next step?

In order to update photos of our board of directors, we are to send head shots of ourselves to Michael at mbartlett@davielandtrust.com

Deed restrictions/conservation easements - Fred will identify active agricultural lands in Broward County.

Our next scheduled meeting is for Monday June 6. We will not have a meeting in July. Our September meeting will be on Tuesday September 6.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM

August 8, 2011

7:00 Robbins Lodge

In attendance: Ruth Bronisas, Michael Bartlett, John Ladue, Marcie Nolan, Judy Paul, Todd Evans, Linda Greck

Call to Order 7:40 P.M.

Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer not present

Minutes of meeting From May 2, 2011 meeting accepted

Update from last meeting:

  • - Bartlett House at St/ Joseph Polish Catholic Church- Marcie and Judy met with Fr. Paul over the summer. The house needs a great amount of labor and money to restore it. We discussed whether such a commitment would be worth the efforts of a group with as few resources as ours. General consensus is negative.
  • - Windmill – we need a water use permit from SFWMD. John will get the permit.

Membership Discussion

Other topics of discussion - Annual Meeting will be on December 5, 2011. Who should be our guest speaker? Someone who can talk about South Florida and/or land trusts and/or funding. No name yet.

Next meeting: Tuesday September 6, 2011 7:00 P.M.

Meeting adjourned at 8:56 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

September 6, 2011

7:00 Robbins Lodge

In attendance: Ruth Bronisas, Michael Bartlett, John Ladue, Marcie Nolan, Todd Evans, Linda Greck, Judy Paul

Call to Order 8:00 P.M.

Treasurer’s Report – Treasurer not present

Minutes of meeting From August 8, 2011 meeting accepted

New business - Starting October, our meetings will have to move elsewhere due to other engagements here at Robbins Lodge. Perhaps the Flashback Diner or Davie Town Hall. We will eventually have to meet on Mondays for a few months, then to Tuesdays again.

Marci will reach out to Harvey Oyer to be the guest speaker at our annual meeting, which we are considering for Sunday December 4. And/or Ken Grudin daytime, picnic 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM outside, at Robbins Park. Marci will ask Will Allen to do the grilling of hot dogs and hamburgers We will bring side dishes. $5.00 per person?

Review the update on Bartlett House,

Membership Discussion – What will be our first conservation easement? Flamingo Gardens or Bartlett house? Not the reconstruction of the building. It does not have a wildlife or park-like component. We need to see what properties have habitats that are worth preserving. Who knows what properties are agriculturally-exempt in Broward County? Marcie will contact Fred or Jason or Tim or Curtis, and FPL so we could follow up on which parcels are special or unique. Spykes? the lychee grove? Pan American Groves? Linda suggested the house on Griffin Rd. and 87th Ave is a worthwhile property to look at for c.e. Ruth will look through the archives for the letter that was sent to the property owners for ag exemptions to preserve the property as to review those properties

Alliance of FL Land Trusts will be having a conference at Tall Timbers on Nov. 1-4. Marci will attempt to go for at least a day.

The Conservation Trust of Fla is looking for a full time exec dir. a full-$45,000. If we had somebody for 5 hrs per week to raise funds keep us on track with our meetings, agendas, minutes, and to raise money. Consider using the Old Davie School’s executive director part-time

Windmill - John did not come back. No new information on the windmill.

Next meeting October 3, 2011 7:00 P.M. Location TBA

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

December 4, 2011

Meeting called to order at Old Davie School – 3:30 P.M. by Chairman Marcie Nolan

In Attendance : Doris Monier, Linda Greck, Marcie Nolan, John Ladue, Uri Tkacz, Ruth Bronisas, Todd Evans, Donna Evans, Judy Paul, Michael Bartlett, Fred Segal

Treasurer’s report – $9,089.97

Voting for 2012 officers - officers will remain the same: Chair- Marcie Nolan, Vice-chair – John LaDue, Treasurer – Fred Segal, Secretary – Ruth Bronisas. Motion by Judy Paul, Second by Eduardo Tkacz

Strategic Plan:

  • - Overview and Update – Strategic plan completed and distributed to all board members.
  • - Next Steps – presentations: Doris will contact Don Burgess and bring resources pertaining to land protection, management plans, and conservation easements to next board meeting.

Bartlett House Update – Marcie and Judy spoke with executive director of Bonnett House and Old Davie School: we would consider restoring it for our physical location. Also considering the Farm Park for same purpose.

Follow Up with Old Davie School

Membership and email addresses; renewals – Marcie Nolan, Caryl Hatton, Joyce Steward, Ginza Int., Ruth Bronisas, Doris Monier, Donna and Todd Evans, Patricia Bouchette

Other Topics of Discussion – Orange Blossom Festival – Should we participate? Concensus is yes, but we should partner with the Farm Bureau

Next meeting to be on January 9, 2012 at 7:00PM at the Flashback Diner in Davie.

Adjourned at 4:50

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary
