
June 2004

Preserve open space
Davie, Florida


January 6, 2014

Ruby Tuesday 11590 W SR 84, Davie, FL 33325

Call to Order - 7:45 PM

In attendance: Marcie Nolan, John Ladue, Fred Segal, Uri (Eduardo) Tkacz, Linda Greck, Ruth Bronisas, Brett Waldman, Michael Bartlett

Treasurer’s Report - Balance $11,020.26. Fred will give us invoice for food bill from Annual Meeting John will see where the balance is. Judy ($100) renewed membership in November, Joyce Steward. Tonight Ruth ($50) and John

Minutes of meetings - Minutes from November’s Annual Meeting need to be amended to add that John Ladue will be chairman this year.


  • A. Flamingo Gardens - Nothing is happening. We didn’t even get invited to their fund raiser this year.
  • B. Windmill - John found the paperwork containing the architectural drawings. Next step is meeting with P and Z
  • C. Lauderdale Lakes Community Gardens - The gardens look good. Waiting for fencing permit. Looking for funding sources. Garden Club, CRA urban farming on 31st Ave want to preserve the property in perpetuity. They’re recreating farmland and open space. We can apply for grants and administer the grant and hold the easement for them. They can’t do it, but we can help them administer the grant. Gary Rogers will send us a letter requesting us to work together on grants. We would write the grant, get the funds, and help them administer the funds. Linda expressed need for clarification on partnering on the grant. Fred, where would the produce from the gardens go?
  • D. Through land trust alliance we could qualify for an insurance policy to protect our money.
  • E. Orange Blossom Festival. We will have a table with the Farm Bureau
  • F. Water Matters John might bring his water drill, Ruth will sell photos
  • G. Discussion of where to hold future meetings; there’s a cost at all parks, so we will think about options.
  • H. Community Food Systems of South Florida - planners, Gary, creating small urban farms and web of collection and distribution. Brett is going to some meetings to find out about if this could be a project we might participate in.

Meeting adjourned 9:10

Next meeting will be on Monday, February 3, 2014 at Ruby Tuesday’s on SR 84 in Davie at 7:00.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas

February 3, 2014

Ruby Tuesday 11590 W SR 84, Davie, FL 33325

Call to Order - 7:45 PM

In attendance: John Ladue, Fred Segal and wife, Uri (Eduardo) Tkacz, Linda Greck, Ruth Bronisas, Brett Waldman, Judy Paul, Todd Evans, Doris Monier

Treasurer’s Report: Balance unchanged, still $11,020.26. Fred will give us invoice for food bill from Annual Meeting next month (March)

Minutes of meetings: Approved - Judy 1st, Uri 2nd

2014 Plan - Brett and Marcie are working on the 2014 Plan, but no changes have been made yet. Brett will go over it with Colleen Roth, a marketing professor for not-for-profits, and expects to have information by next meeting.


  • A. Windmill: Brett will be meeting with Mark Collins tomorrow. Judy might be there also. We have the engineering letter. Need water use permit. What is the status? How long will this take?
  • B. Lauderdale Lakes Community Gardens: Brett has been in contact with Beverly the director. A letter has been drafted regarding our involvement, waiting to hear back from Gary Rogers.
  • C. Equine Trail: Brett looking into GIS for better trail identification; land trust could adopt marking trails, include into conservation easement if they are not already protected. Highlight the trailsystem with credit to DALT. Brett will also look at Santa Barbara California’s trail system.

Upcoming Events:

  • A. Orange Blossom Festival Feb 22 and 23. We will set up a table and banner by the Farm Bureau. Saturday: John and Uri will be there by 8:00-12:00 AM, Linda on 12-3: Sunday Doris 9-12,Brett 11-3, John 3-5. We still have some t-shirts left to sell. Bring cash box, photos, brochures. Doris reminded us to wear OUR land trust t-shirts there! Name tags too. If we could get a rendering of the windmill, we should display that. Brett will email an image to Linda.
  • B. Water Matters: Saturday March 8, 8:00-3:00. Are we registered to have a space? John, Doris, Ruth pledge to be there. Bring table, chair, displays, photos to sell. Water trivia questions.
  • C. Our next meeting will be on Monday, March 3, 2014 at Pizza Loft on University Drive in Davie at 7:00.

Meeting adjourned 9:00

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

June 2, 2014

Ruby Tuesday 11590 W SR 84, Davie, FL 33325

Call to order at 7:35 PM

In attendance: John Ladue, Todd Evans, Ruth Bronisas, Linda Greck, Marcie Nolan; Lynn Lafferty from Nova SE, naturopathic pharmacist; Jose Lasprilla

Treasurer’s report: Treasurer not present today. However, there was a question about $150 that was paid to Farm Bureau for food at the Annual Meeting or the annual report.

Minutes of Meetings: Todd moved to approve the minutes of the March meeting with the change about the $150; Judy moved to second.


  • - a. Windmill: John had a meeting with D Simone regarding where to put the windmill.
  • - b. Grants
  • - c. Lauderdale Lakes conservation easement urban gardening; we will go before their board and present to them a proposal to CRA Board for conservation easement. Marcie will write a letter to propose this meeting. Marcie will get letterhead stationery from Ruth.
  • - d. Who renewed their dues for this year, 2014? Ruth will check and report.
  • - e. treehuggerorganicfarms.com. Maybe they would like to put a conservation easement on it

>Will will skip July meeting. Next meeting: Monday August 4, 2014 7:00 PM at Ruby Tuesday in Davie.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

August 4, 2014

Ruby Tuesday, 11590 W SR 84, Davie, FL 33325

Call to order at 7:55 PM.

In attendance: John Ladue, Eduardo Tkacz, Fred Segal, Linda Greck, Marcie Nolan, Ruth Bronisas

Treasurer’s Report: Based on Wells Fargo bank statement, the Trust has a balance of $10,479.26 in checking, $500.20 in savings.

Minutes of meetings: The $150.00 that was paid to the Farm Bureau was for the food during the Annual Meeting in November 2013. Otherwise, the minutes from June 2, 2014 are approved.


  • - a. Windmill - Where to place it at Robbins Park - not by the Indian burial ground but in a lower elevation
  • - b. re. Jose Lasprilla, he will be applying for grants for us
  • - c. Where are our envelopes? Linda and Fred think they have some boxes of them. Please bring to next meeting.
  • - d. Lauderdale Lakes - Marcie will write them a letter
  • - e. re. dues - Ruth doesn’t know exactly who paid; (Ruth, Doris, Linda did) would everyone please see their own checking accounts and/or register to see who paid and how much.

Next meeting Tuesday Sept. 2 at the Moonlight Diner on Cypress Creek Rd.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

October 6, 2014

Ruby Tuesday, 11590 W SR 84, Davie, FL 33325

Call to order at 7:40PM.

In attendance: Judy Paul, Doris Monier, Todd Evans, Michael Bartlett, Fred Segal, Marcie Nolan, Ruth Bronisas

Treasurer’s Report: Based on Wells Fargo bank statement, the Trust has a balance of $10,479.26 in checking, $500.20 in savings.

Minutes of meetings: August 4, 2014 minutes are approved.


  • ##A . Annual Meeting: The Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday November 2, 2014 12:00-4:30 PM at the Women’s Club in Davie. Our meeting will be with the Farm Bureau and the Friends of the Farm Park. Fred has lined up at least one speaker, Ben Parks from Florida agri-parks, and possibly Mark Fagan to speak about giant land snails.
  • ##The three board meetings will take place first, then lunch and speakers.
  • ##Marcie will donate a $50 gift card as a door prize. If anyone has other items to donate, they would be welcome.
  • ##The food will be from Davie’s Best Pizza. We are requesting an RSVP to know how many people to expect. You can RSVP to me and I will pass that information along to Fred.
  • ##B. Dues - If possible, please pay your annual dues at this Annual Meeting.

Meeting adjourned 8:20 PM

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

Annual Meeting - November 2, 2014

Davie Women’s Club - Davie Area Land Trust Minutes for the Annual Meeting

Call to order at 12:42 PM.

In attendance: John Ladue, Todd Evans, Judy Paul, Ruth Bronisas, Linda Greck, Marcie Nolan, Fred Segal, Doris Monier, Eduardo Tkacz

Treasurer’s Report - no change since last month. Collected dues from Judy, Ruth, Doris, Todd and Donna, Marcie, John, Patricia Bouchette. Total collected $385 ($315 in checks from Marcie (100), Doris (35), Patricia (35), Ruth (75), and Todd and Donna (70); $70 in cash from Judy(35) John (35)

Minutes of Last Meeting - approved

Election of Officers - We will retain the same slate.


  • - A. Windmill - the project is in engineering; the site is in the front pasture of Robbins Park
  • - B. Grants - Marcie is proposing hiring a part-time person to apply for grants and raise funds. She has a specific person in mind, Melinda Matthews, and will attempt to contact her before our next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 1:00 PM

Speakers - Mark Fagan re. giant African land snails and other pests; Adam Putnam sent a video message regarding agriculture in Florida; Cindy Payton, Broward County speech contest winner from MacArthur HS. spoke regarding food safety; Ben Parks on agri-tourism such as corn mazes, viewing farming activities, and weddings and special events on farms; Steve Blackburn from VegaLand labs regarding fungicides and microbials for responsible farming.

Next meeting: Monday, December 1, 2014 at 7:00 PM at Ruby Tuesday in Davie on Hiatus Rd. and SR 84

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary
