Meeting Minutes

Preserve open space
Davie, Florida


February 8, 2016

Dunkin Donuts in Davie on Davie Rd.

Called to order 7:30

In Attendance: Linda Greck, John Ladue, Doris Monier, Fred Segal, Eduardo Tkacz (Uri), Ruth Bronisas

Financial Report: Checking 11,216,01; Money Market 500.43 We will be moving to another financial institution. Fred will look into that. 1st Linda, 2nd Uri. At the next meeting ‐ officers’ and directors’ liability policy will be on the agenda.

Windmill Project: It is permitted. It has arrived 21’ tall but without instructions for assembly.

Orange Blossom Festival: John will open and close the festival and be there all day Saturday and Sunday; Linda will come at 10:00 Saturday. Doris, Ruth, and John on Sunday. Fred will provide seeds for our pots and stickers. Linda donating $89.26 for stickers as “in kind.”

Our next meeting will be at 7:00 Monday March 7 at Doris’s house, 5305 SW 48 St., Davie 33314.

Meeting adjourned at 8:45

May 2, 2016

I. Call to order: 7:09 p.m.

II. In attendance: John Ladue, Jacqueline Ladue, Michael Bartlett,Linda Greck, Ure Tkacz

III. Treasurers report: No change - $11,855.00. New trait check for membership renewal

IV. Minutes of meeting- no minutes to approve

V. Windmill project- John Ladue reported that he has spoken to Desimone and is still working to get it done.

VI. No new business

Meeting adjourned 7:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Jacqueline Ladue

September 15, 2016

I. Call to order: 6:15 p.m.

II. In attendance: Michael Bartlett, Jacqueline Ladue, John Ladue, Linda Greck, Fred Segal, Ruth Bronisas, Uri Tkacz

III. Approval of minutes from last meeting: with the exception that Fred paid Land Trust Alliance our yearly membership of $250.00

IV. Treasurer's report: Our account in Florida Community Bank has a balance of $11,968.64. This account has no service charge and we are earning 1.5%.

V. Update on conservation easements: Linda contacted Jeremy Shir at Becker and Poliakoff. Nothing has been filed. We have never finalized any easements.

VI. Windmill: Girl Scouts will be helping with plants and 2-board fencing at Robbins Park.

VII. Annual Meeting: will be with Friends of the Farm Park on Sunday, November 6 at the Womens Club in Davie at 12:00noon. Coming up for re-election this year are Linda Greck, Fred Segal, and Michael Bartlett

Meeting adjourned 7:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas, Secretary

November 6, 2016- Annual Meeting

Call to order: 12:27pm

I. In Attendance: Eduardo (Uri)Tkacz, Linda Greck John Ladue, Jacqueline Ladue, Judy Paul, Fred Segal, Ruth Bronisas.

II. Approval of previous month’s minutes (9/15/16):Motion by Fred, second from Uri, approved unanimously.

II. Treasurer’s Report: Same as last month (9/15/16) $11, 968.64. Motion to receive and file made by Linda, second from Uri, approved unanimously.

IV. Elections: Board members renewed- Linda, Fred, Michael. Officers- retain all. Motion by Fred, second from Uri, approved unaminously.

V. Old Business:
Update and status of projects

  • - - Windmill- should be completed soon.
  • - - Easements - Temple View Estates documentation is in progress.
Objectives for 2017:
  • - - Erect windmill
  • - - Dedicate windmill; try to coordinate with Earth Day.
  • - - New shirts with our logo. From Uri. Thank you, Uri.

VI. New Business:

  • Membership Renewals - Linda $100.00 check, Ruth $100.00 check, Steve Weinseir $35.00 cash, Judy Paul $100.00 check.

VII. Next meeting:January 5, 2017 7:00 Outback in Davie.

Adjourn 1:50. Motion Ruth, second by Jacqueline; approved unanimously

Respectfully submitted by Ruth Bronisas
